While 2024 is approaching, we are pleased to welcome you again on our online submission platform.


Following up on our October 2023 CALL ( Download ) , the present platform will allow you, FEPS’ full and observer Members (only) to:

  1. PART I: 
    Submit, update and/or confirm your organisation’s legal information

  2. PART II: Submit (if you wish): concrete project proposals that will be screened and evaluated according to their adherence to (1) the 2024 Framework Activity Programme (FAP) and (2) to criteria included in the October 2023 Call   

Deadline for submission will be Monday 27 November 2023 – noon CET,  at which point in time the platform will automatically close.


Using your input, we will further develop the 2024 Work Plan in full coherence with the 2024 Framework Activity Programme (FAP).
Accordingly, FEPS’ 2024 FAP remains the key reference point throughout:

So as to foster cooperation and information exchange across FEPS’ membership, we keep the information sharing tool introduced in the two last calls operational:  unless you decide this should not be the case, the “Others’ project submission” tab will allow your fellow FEPS Members to see the title(s) of project(s) you are either working on or you have submitted. Should they be interested in teaming up, FEPS will act as a connecting hub.

As a reminder: filling out PART I is a prerequisite to proceed with project.s’ submissions (i.e. PART II).


The following short video will highlight to you the different steps:

Should you have already used the platform at the occasion of the preceding calls:

  • legal and administrative information you submitted in PART I remains in the system: you can choose to update it, or to simply re-validate it
  • the same account (i.e. email address) is to be used by default.  Should you wish to use a different email address to proceed, please notify us and we will update the system

To initiate the process : Log in (Top right corner of the screen).

FEPS’ team remains at your disposal should you need specific guidance. 

In the unlikely event of technical issues please contact : projects.support@feps-europe.eu